Our partners


    Brooks has never been good at standing still.

    Since 1914, we’ve been propelled by a never-ending curiosity with how humans move.

    Because, to us, movement is the key to feeling more alive.

    We’re all moving towards something. Whether it’s a headspace, a feeling, or a finish line.


  • palmetto running company

    Named the Best Running Store in America 2023 Palmetto Running Company is a family-owned business founded by the father, son and daughter team located in the heart of the Lowcountry.

    Palmetto Running prides itself on a highly curated collection of versatile products that are thoughtfully made with the planet and people in mind.

  • run in

    Helping upstate SC get faster for over 20 years. We’re locally owned and operated, stocked up with the latest and greatest in shoes, apparel, training tech, and more, and ready to help you be your best.

  • sound running

    The Sound Running mission is to Improve the sport we love and Inspire runners everywhere. This means giving back to the community through our events, building apparel for athletes, and helping ALL runners achieve their goals with smarter training.

  • Ciele

    We aim to move people to movement, to connection and to community through considered equipment and exceptional experiences.we focus on performance and protection.

    Designed for athletes and adventurers of all kinds.

    Everybody run️.

  • OS1st

    We want to keep you active and doing what you love by...

    Creating precision compression products targeting a variety of conditions using high-quality materials and patented technology.

    Proving socks can do more than you're used to with designs specific to your needs.

    Supporting independent retailers who are dedicated to improving the health of your local community.